![]() 03/04/2015 at 10:04 • Filed to: damn and blast! | ![]() | ![]() |
Second time this year this has happened. Until last year I'd only ever lost a mailbox to drunk drivers and hooligans.
![]() 03/04/2015 at 10:06 |
teach that fucker a lesson next year. fix the mail box to a steel I beam, bury it 20 feet deep and pour cement around it. then next year when he hits it, plow breaks not your mail box.
![]() 03/04/2015 at 10:06 |
Our town's plow guy (yes there's only one) stays like 3 feet from my mailbox so I have to dig that shit out constantly. Why is everyone else's mail box clear? WHY!?!?
![]() 03/04/2015 at 10:09 |
Bingo - This works surprisingly well. I've done it to a fence due to some hoodlums before.
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Takata airbag. "Deploys" at impact.
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Shouldn't you be able to go after whomever is responsible for the plowing?
If they don't pay, contact the postmaster as destruction of a mailbox is a federal offense.
![]() 03/04/2015 at 10:12 |
this happened to me last year. the sidewalk plow hit it dead center and chwed up the post. I put in a new post and someone hit it hard enough to snap it off at the ground. I was sleeping when then hit it and it was loud. I didn;t get up quick enough to see them drive off but it really woke me up Then being able to drive off was pretty impressive seeming that it was a brand new pressure treated 4x4 and it would have taken a bit of force to snap it the way they did. I replaced that post with a hollow box made with 1X6 trim boards. Looks real pretty on the outside. I stuck a piece of rebar down the center and filled the whole and the box with concrete. has;t been hit yet
![]() 03/04/2015 at 10:16 |
People have been held liable for injuries and damages doing this and other similar things like placing large rocks on their lawn do deter people who constantly slid into it. Gotta be careful that the installation isn't seen as outside of normal practice.
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wassup now plow driver?
![]() 03/04/2015 at 10:18 |
Sadly, no. Every year there is a big article in my local paper about it, but they won't pay.
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Normal for whom? I bury everything deep and pour cement around it, though I should note I have had poor results with my tomatoes since I started this technique.
![]() 03/04/2015 at 10:19 |
Mailboxes are a real thing?
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The worst part, I had just finished shoveling the driveway AND a spot in front of the mailbox for the mail lady. I come inside to warm up, take a look outside "MOTHER F__KER!"
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When it does finally get hit...
I want to do something similar.
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I'm just really surprised. I always assumed they were just something of the Americana era of the 50s, I didn't expect them to still be around but I guess it does avoid the hassle of getting a new door.
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Haha, 'normal' for the court. Depends on what experts each side brings I'd suppose.
The concept is pretty simple, you're not allowed to actively place hazards (booby traps) on your property. If you do, they have to have clear signage (Like "severe tire damage" or "High Voltage") or be obvious in their function (like razor wire). If it looked like a normal mailbox post but was actually installed as an Anti Vehicle Barrier specifically to punish drivers by causing damage you'll end up paying damages.
![]() 03/04/2015 at 10:29 |
thats kinda how I felt too.
the fun part is getting the broken stump out of the ground
![]() 03/04/2015 at 10:30 |
itschrome already mentioned this - make it stronger.
All it took was one time, and my father had had it. He woke up one morning to find that a car had driven down several streets in the neighborhood plowing down mailboxes.
I had never seen him "build angry" before. In fact, being in grade school, I didn't know "build angry" even existed.
Until that day.
He bought about 4-5 feet of 2-3" steel pipe, a flange, and a bag of concrete.
I watched him as he dug a hole 24" deep, set this in concrete, and then filled the pipe with concrete to reenforce it. He painted it black, put the new mailbox on top, and then waited.
He actually asked me if I wanted to know what his idea of a perfect morning was. I asked, and he told me "The morning I wake up, look out the front door and see an broken, abandoned car stranded on our mailbox."
And he checked for the next few weeks. He would get up, open the front door in his bathrobe, take look, then close the door.
While this was 40 years ago, and he's been gone for about 30 of those years, the box still stands, waiting to deliver his perfect morning.
(2014 StreetView image)
![]() 03/04/2015 at 10:30 |
I have seen a 350 Chevy that had the middle opened up to be a mailbox, mounted to a steel post. Anybody hitting that is too dumb to live.
![]() 03/04/2015 at 10:31 |
hahahaha yeah that would take the blade right out
![]() 03/04/2015 at 10:31 |
I have seen a 350 Chevy on a steel post as a mailbox. That would seem to self-advertise as... risky to hit.
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Now, given this was in Alabama, probably no plows around to encounter, but still. Also, I'm sure you're stunned that it was in Alabama.
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Welcome to rural America. Where the roads are windy, houses are far apart and sidewalks are a myth.
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Yeah, I had to do that after the drunk driver. 4x4 was two feet down in about 18" diameter lump of concrete.
![]() 03/04/2015 at 10:52 |
A surprising number of the mailboxes that i see knocked off are because of the snow flying off the blade, not the plow doing the hitting. Flying clumps of wet snow/ice are pretty heavy.
obviously, someone hit yours, although that crumple looks a lot more like a baseball bat (or maybe passenger mirror) than a plow strike
![]() 03/04/2015 at 10:56 |
That's not my actual mailbox, but you're probably correct about what actually hit it.
![]() 03/04/2015 at 10:58 |
You on a side street/rural road or closer to the center of town/state roads?
![]() 03/04/2015 at 11:06 |
rural side street.
![]() 03/04/2015 at 11:07 |
Best gif ever. Have a cookie.
![]() 03/04/2015 at 11:11 |
Probably a contractor vs a town or state employee then. If you get in touch with whoever runs the plow dispatch (highway department/public works), they should give the guy a warning about it.
![]() 03/04/2015 at 11:32 |
It is provided by the township actually. And good chance I know the guy. (small town)
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![]() 03/04/2015 at 11:38 |
I think it might've been the Plow King.
![]() 03/04/2015 at 12:49 |
The county plow took out our mailbox twice. Dad took a 30gal. oil drum, stuck a metal pipe in it, then filled it with cement. Mailbox mounted on pipe, drum buried in the ground. A week later, the plow hit it and it damaged the plow blade. The county cop came by to talk to dad about it and dad told him that the plow took it out twice, and he'd gladly put it back to normal if they'd pay for the other two they broke. The cop left, and the mailbox stayed.
![]() 03/04/2015 at 13:30 |
Oh, that guy. Always trouble.
![]() 03/04/2015 at 14:38 |
Snow off the plow caved in the trunk of my car once. If it was wet, heavy snow it could easily bash it up like that, or if there was a chunk of ice or something.
![]() 03/04/2015 at 14:41 |
I live on a county road. If the plow takes out my mailbox and I call the county on it they have the plow driver come and replace the mailbox. Call them up, the worst they can do is say "nope, not our problem" and best case they deal with putting up a new mailbox for you. Just be polite if you do call them. I guarantee they get a lot of people calling them up to bitch in the winter and if you're a dick it will be a case of "not our problem".